Wednesday 19 October 2011

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Are you want's to bea businessman

How to Sell a Gym Membership - How to Increase Gym Membership Sales Using Common Sense.

Do you spend a lot of time wondering how to sell a gym membership to more people? Are you a gym owner that would like to increase the number of gym members you have? Do you wonder how to sell a gym membership to people who never come to the gym? There are several key factors which help gyms like yours get new members. The best new member is a long term member, not just a short term ‘trial’ member. Residual business is the only way to ensure your business has longevity. With that in mind let’s look at the ways how to sell a gym membership that lasts.
Statistics show the average person needs to see a business name seven times before changing from consumer to patron. The key to how to sell a gym membership is to get your gym’s name in the news, both in print and on the local radio. When you are working out how to sell a gym membership, consider holding events at your gym and having these events published as community announcements. Other methods of how to sell a gym membership include putting ads on billboards or the sides of buses. Small “giveaway” items such as key-chains and bumper stickers get a surprisingly large amount of eye contact – and it’s even better in the hands of an existing gym member where it adds endorsement to the name. Get your gym’s name into public spaces and the question of how to sell a gym membership will become moot.
One of your best assets is existing membership when it comes to how to sell a gym membership. These members are already sold. So, offer a free month to any existing member who brings in a new member. Give your personal trainers a bonus if they sign up new members. Personal Trainers are second best asset. Another great way how to sell a gym membership is to offer the choice of yearly contracts or a onetime annual fee (which is lower than the combined monthly payment).You achieve the same thing, immediate cash, but get a long term member. The key to how to sell a gym membership is to think outside the box.
How to sell a gym membership comes down to getting you name into the minds of new customers and removing the barriers that keep them from joining. Remember, the focus should be not just on selling, but on how to sell a gym membership that lasts.
I hope this was helpful in some way. Remember to stay positive and trust in the fact that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


How to Increase Stamina

This article was created by a professional writer and edited by experienced copy editors, both qualified members of the Demand Media Studios community. All articles go through an editorial process that includes subject matter guidelines, plagiarism review, fact-checking, and other steps in an effort to provide reliable information.

The human body can get used to a sedentary or inactive lifestyle. Low energy levels can affect your physical and mental performance. Increasing your stamina is about more that just building muscle or increasing strength. It is about the energy produced from activity. Try these helpful tips to increase your stamina and enjoy a more active lifestyle.
Moderately Easy
o    1
Set some goals for yourself. Do you want to increase your energy, build muscle or increase your strength and endurance?
o    2
Develop a training plan that is reasonable and achievable. To increase your stamina, you have to start small and gradually move up to the level you desire.
o    3
Begin your plan with walking. Walking can improve the efficiency of your heart and lungs, increase your energy level, strengthen the muscles in your legs and help promote a good night's rest.
o    4
Build on your walking by running if this is something you want to do. Some people can't tolerate running as it is harder on your knees and joints than walking.
o    5
Try riding a bicycle. It is important to find a form of exercise that you enjoy. If you enjoy what you are doing, you increase your chances of success and building on that success.
o    6
Give swimming a chance as it is a great form of exercise that may surprise you. It is a low-impact form of exercise that tones your entire body and provides a great cardiovascular workout.
o    7
Push yourself past your limits. Once you begin an activity, you will begin to notice it becomes easier and you feel better both mentally and physically. This is an important key to increasing your stamina.
o    8
Walk longer distances, walk at a more brisk pace, run or ride your bike a mile farther than last week, swim more laps or increase the weight and/or reps in a strength building workout. Whatever your task, continue to build on it. You will see and feel the results.

Saturday 2 April 2011

10 Things You Sholdn't Do At GYM

Here are 10 things that beginners should take note of when starting at a gym.
  1. Don't skip the New Member Orientation.
  2. Don't show up ten minutes late for a class you've never been to before, get in everyone's way, and demand that the instructor explain everything over again just for you.
  3. When using unfamiliar equipment that won't seem to budge, don't force or yank things around until you break them. Ask for help.
  4. Don't use the fact that you'll be showering afterwards as an excuse to show up smelling totally nasty and funky.
  5. Don't drop heavy weights from great heights or slam things around or make exaggerated grunting or screeching noises.
  6. Don't neglect to wipe up sweat after you use the cardio or weight equipment.
  7. Don't hog the weight machines by doing multiple sets if someone else is waiting for it. Offer to let them "work in."
  8. Don't jump on cardio equipment without knowing the rules.
  9. Don't forget where you put your towel, either in showers or up with the equipment, so that you end up grabbing someone else's by mistake.
  10. Don't forget to pack the toiletries and other items you will need post-shower; asking to borrow other people's stuff is generally frowned upon.
Of course, if you have a home gym, you can ignore half of these points.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

What means GYM

      The word γυμνάσιον (gymnasion) was used in Ancient Greece, meaning a locality for both physical and intellectual education of young men (see gymnasium (ancient Greece)). The later meaning of intellectual education persisted in German and other languages to denote a certain type of school providing secondary education, the Gymnasium, whereas in English the meaning of physical education was pertained in the word gym.

      The Greek word gymnasium means "place to be naked" and was used in ancient Greece to designate a locality for the education of young men, including physical education (gymnastics, i.e. exercise) which was customarily performed naked, as well as bathing, and studies. For the Greeks, physical education was considered as important as cognitive learning. Most Greek gymnasia had libraries that could be utilized after relaxing in the baths.