How Nutrition Helps You

The green equation - why fruit and vegetables are important in weight training

Anyone who’s ever done weight training knows there’s a learning curve in training diets. The sugar-loaded, instant gain/instant loss garbage is a case in point. It’s about as useful as cardboard, and often tastes very similar. The “everything’s about this week’s fad/something else” motif also leaves something to be desired, particularly after a hard workout where every atom of energy gets used up and you could eat a few restaurants single-handed.
You need juice in the tank, not just on the PB scoreboard. Weight training requires a recovery process. The hard work involves replacement and development. You can actually cost yourself muscle and tone, if the diet’s wrong. That involves protein, but to get the protein operating properly requires other things.
This is where the Green diet comes in. It’s cheap, and extremely effective. Fruit and veg provide a huge range of materials the body needs, and they’re also good for avoiding the notorious and weird behavior of stomachs suddenly subjected to high protein diets.
The best weight training programs are based on solid, trustworthy, nutrition. These are proven health benefits. To get the best out of them, eat the best food, and plenty of it.
The fruit and veg equation - basic chemistry
Fruit isn’t just about Vitamin C. It’s also about a range of trace elements, fibre and other good things you need for proper digestion. Most importantly, fruit provide absolutely pure water, the best possible source for water needed to digest protein properly. Protein uses up huge amounts of water to digest, and if you don’t have enough of it, you can get all the joys of a gut with other things on its mind when training. Definitely not the situation you need.
Green veg are brilliant for digestion. Whatever’s ailing you, green leafy vegetables will do a lot to clean out a stomach which has probably been trying to deal with complex proteins without enough support chemistry. Dark green vegetables are full of good quality chlorophyll, which is invaluable for athletes. This is part of the basic human diet, and it’s actually essential. Vegetables also provide good quality fibre, water, and nitrogen, one of the basic chemicals of life, used by plants to grow foliage.
Trace elements - The secret ingredients of real health
Fruit and veg also contain a huge amount of trace elements which are critical to proper metabolism and biological functions.
For example, an apple contains among other things:
·         Potassium- used for everything from nerve functions to depression
·         Phosphorous- an essential element used to form things like iron phosphate, used in breathing and about 125 other known biological functions.
·         Calcium- brain, bone, and digestion, among others.
·         Magnesium- nerves, muscle pains, digestion, and eyes
Every form of fruit and veg contains a virtual library of these elements as well as important things like B vitamins, Vitamin A and other must-have things. The average banana is worth per gram an average of about ten times more than the sugar-loaded garbage would be worth by the ton.
The best weight training programs are based on solid, trustworthy, nutrition. These are proven health benefits. To get the best out of them, eat the best food, and plenty of it.

How to get rid of body fat

One morning you wake up and trudge into the bathroom. When you look in the mirror while scratching your belly you notice that it jiggles. “That’s odd” you think, “I don’t remember it doing that.” And that’s where it starts, the sudden realization that a layer of fat is starting to take up residence on your body, most notably across your midsection.

Your first step is to come up with a plan to deal with this sudden intrusion. But what should you do? Of course, some sort of diet and maybe some exercise. So you start with that, trying to eat less and maybe a little healthier. But mainly you figure if you eat less that means less calories and therefore less fat. Throw in some sit-ups to firm up the old midsection and before long your six-pack will be showing through.

Sounds easy, doesn’t it? And for thousands of people this is the way they try and deal with to much body fat. Everyday thousands of people jump on this bandwagon and everyday thousands of people fall off this bandwagon.


Because it simply doesn’t work that way. If you want to know how to get rid of belly fat then you have to look at the whole body. It is impossible to lose fat in a particular spot. No amount of sit-ups or crunches will melt that layer of fat away. You’ll just end up with rock hard abs hiding behind a layer of squishy fat. You have to have body wide fat reduction if you ever want to get rid of that extra belly fat.

There are three things you will have to do if you want to get rid of your belly fat.
·         Diet – This has nothing to do with the latest diet fad. This has everything to do with the nutritional value of the food you eat. Your body is a high performance machine. It needs protein, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins and minerals to function properly. A lean healthy diet will allow your body to metabolize its fate store more efficiently
·         Core Strengthening Exercises - You must exercise and strengthen all your core muscles, not just your abs, if you want that firm toned midsection. In addition it is vitally important that you also exercise your major muscle groups which include your legs and back. These are the biggest muscles in your body and working them burns more calories then exercising just your abdominal muscles.
·          Cardio/Aerobic Training - The key to getting rid of fat is burning more calories than you take in. Aerobic training combined with the tips above does just that. If you want to get rid of belly fat then get up off the couch and go for a walk, take a bike ride, or play some hoops. Find something you like to do and keep doing it.
If you seriously want to get rid of that extra belly fat then you will need to put in a little work. Changing your diet and starting some form of exercise program is the perfect way to start.

Weight Loss Natural Diet Plan

There are two ways to have a good diet plan. The person can either work on a low carbohydrate plan by focusing on proteins or the other way around. Aside from knowing which items to buy in the supermarket, the individual should also know the ingredients that must be substituted in making the meal.

The health conscious enthusiast can prepare a meal composed of courses similar to those served in the restaurant. The soup can be a mixture of certain vegetables that have been chopped and boiled in the pot.
There will surely be some excess vegetables. This can be mixed with some bread and cold cuts, which becomes a salad. Some cabbage or lettuce will do well to serve as the green leaves in this dish.
The main dish can be made from chicken, fish or meat. Some mash or baked potatoes cam be substituted for rice. This is because both give the individual carbohydrates, which is needed for energy.
Some dessert at the end of the meal can be some fruits or a slice of pie. The ingredients and the instructions in making these can be found in cookbooks or in the Internet and just takes a little practice to get it right.
Does going on a low card diet mean giving up on something tasty as a steak? Not necessarily. This is because the person still needs fat coming from animals aside from those coming from other sources.
A trend that is being done in the agricultural industry is going back to the basics of farming. The customer can buy organic products instead of inorganic ones since studies show that there are no harmful chemicals used in making these items.
This shows that people have become more conscious of the food bought at the supermarket or in the restaurant.
There are other things the person should do aside from eating smart. This includes cutting down the amount of alcohol or stopping this entirely. The individual can also reduce eating sweets such as chocolates and candies since this just adds to fat in the body.
People should remember that the best way to follow up with the dietary plan is through exercise. This will help burn the stored fat faster and turn whatever is left into muscle. This will not happen overnight and results can be seen in a few weeks to a few months.
Losing weight is not something for those who are obese or overweight. This is for everyone who wants to be healthy because studies show that not taking care of the body early can result to diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure or other sicknesses.
The person should go to the doctor and have a physical exam then perhaps ask some advice about healthy living. Going to the gym and asking the help of a personal trainer is another. Both these experts can plan a safe and healthy way to lose that natural weight.

How to Rub Weight and Fat Off From Your Belly

How a simple ancient chinese technique burns fat off your body effortlessly
The conventional weight loss methods for losing weight and flattening the abs are often tedious and they simply don't work, they require a lot of sacrifice and are very expensive, each day there is a new book on how to lose those inches!
Today I am going to show you a simple way to remove fat from your belly-it is a simple 5000 year old Chinese method that tales just two minutes of your time!
To begin this exercise lie on your back. Now put the palm of your hands on your navel- then simply rub it as follows.
Use your right hand, then rub clockwise from the center, that is from right to left, first in small circles, then increase the circles until the upper and lower abs are being rubbed when you have covered both the lower and upper abs, reverse the movement counter clockwise , this time the circle gets smaller with each and every counter clockwise rotation until you are back at the navel.
Do not apply force, you want a simple gentle rub, when you get to the navel, repeat from the start again, do this 10-12 times
What is happening when you apply your right hand on your belly and you are performing the clockwise movement, is that your chi- invincible energy is being passed from the hands through the skin to your belly, so as you go in circles, you are applying energy to the muscles of the stomach.
To make this exercise more effective visualize the energy from the hands going through the skin to your belly, gently massaging and burning fat off your abdominal area.
This electricity from your hands- your chi- massages your intestines, your blood vessels and your digestive and bowl system
Fat accumulations are disturbed from their resting place and broken up, where it is passed into the bowl system and eliminated.
This way your stubborn fat is burned away simply by rubbing away!
But there is another benefit- when you rub your abs in a clockwise position you are encouraging proper bowl movement, this relives constipation and allows you to have the proper bowl movements/ Constipation is what usually causes water retention, and weight gain (fat deposit!)
So if you suffer from constipation, this exercise will allow you to have regular bowl movements which will allow you to lose those last few stubborn pounds.