
Gaining Weight The Healthy Way

Some people are naturally thin and would like to be larger. Exercise is important for good health and the right type of exercise can help you gain muscle, which will give you more body mass. Weight-lifting exercises that are designed to build muscle should be included with your weight-gaining diet and perhaps aerobic exercise should be cut back a bit.

Possible reasons for being thin
  • Heredity
  • Physical illnesses can result in excessive weight loss.
  • Eating disorders can result in massive weight loss and can, in fact, result in death from the lack of nutrition.
  • Many elderly people have trouble preparing foods and are prone to excess weight loss as well.
  • Then there are others who lose their appetite, experience a change in metabolism, and/or lose poundage and muscle mass fast because of various reasons, including illness, chronic pain, depression, stress, and side effects from drugs.
Exercise is important for good health and the right type of exercise can help you gain muscle, which will give you more body mass. Weight-lifting exercises that are designed to build muscle should be included with your weight-gaining diet and perhaps aerobic exercise should be cut back a bit.
How to plan your meal
  • Have meals with the right balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and the right kinds of fat (such as unsaturated and monounsaturated fats, olive oil, canola oil, pistachios, almonds and walnuts). The following ratio will help you achieve your goal: 60%-70% carbohydrates, 10%-15% protein, and a small amount of fat. 
  • The USDA suggests that you eat six to 11 servings of foods from the bread and cereal group. At least three of those servings should be from 100 percent whole grain products. Whole grains are a great source of fiber and nutrients. 
  • Pack more nutritious calories in each serving. For example, you may add grated cooked eggs to mashed potatoes, ground chicken to soups and gravies, cheese in casseroles, eggs, and soups, and nonfat dried milk in soups, shakes, milk, and mashed potatoes. 

  • Eat starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn more often. You don't want to avoid healthy green vegetables like green beans and asparagus just because they are low in calories. Green vegetables have a lot of nutritional value. You can add healthy calories to these vegetables by topping them with nutritious foods like olive oil, almonds and shredded cheese.

  • Fruits are packed with vitamins and phyto-chemicals that will boost your health. For example, instead of drinking extra sugary sodas, enjoy orange juice or other fruit juice. You will get the calories you need, plus a lot of vitamins that soda doesn't have. Snack on fresh fruits any time of day to increase your calorie intake. 
  • If you get too full too fast, try having more high-calorie foods or slices of foods as opposed to consuming the whole thing (raisins versus grapes, granola and Grape Nuts versus corn flakes, mango slices versus the whole mango).
  • With moderation, you may add in good fat sources to meals such as nuts, avocado, olives, and fatty fish (salmon and mackerel).
  • Add powdered milk to soups and sauces to offer calories and protein. Go for dried fruits or fruit juices as healthy higher calorie snacks. 
  • Pick dark chocolate as a treat. Dark chocolate has antioxidants that other sweets don't have.
  • Avoid foods that contain large amounts of saturated fats and trans-fats. Red meat, processed lunch meats, hot dogs and sausage have all been connected with higher risks of diseases such as heart disease and some cancers so you should eat those meats only sparingly. Avoid fried foods as well. Fried foods such as French fries, donuts and fried fish or chicken are sources of trans fats and not a healthy way to get the calories you need.

  •  Limit drinking beverages to a half-hour before and after a meal. 
  • Don't add non-nutritious junk foods to your diet. Junk foods may have lots of sugar and unhealthy fats that add the calories you may want, but they don't have much to offer nutritionally. Make sure you eat foods that have good nutritional value along with those extra calories.

Bodybuilding i simply the process of increasing the muscle mass of the body and decreasing the amount of fatty tissue in the body. This is accomplished through the use of Progressive Resistance Training. Progressive resistance simply means to progressively use heavier weights as your muscles get stronger.

Increasing resistance is possible due to the body's ability to adapt to stress by becoming stronger in response to the stimulus of exercise. Simply put, when you work a muscle hard, the fibers are actually damaged or broken down and the body responds by repairing the muscle and making it slightly bigger and stronger to prepare for the work to be repeated. If the work (exercise) is repeated frequently (with enough rest in between for the repair process to take place) with increased resistance each time, theoretically, the muscle will get progressively larger and stronger. That is the basis of bodybuilding weight training.

It is a simple process, but there are many variables that can affect how fast and how much the muscle will grow. These factors include, but are not limited to, the following:

·         Nutrition 
·         Rest 
·         Intensity of workouts 
·         Frequency of workouts 
Nutrition is a huge part of successful bodybuilding. I recommend educating yourself on the topics of nutrition and supplements. One way to keep informed in this area is to subscribe to a good Bodybuilding magazine such as Flex or Muscle & Fitness. Both of these fine bodybuilding magazines have many great articles each month dealing with diet, nutrition and supplements.

Rest is another important area to consider. In this day and age, it is not unusual to get less than 6 hours of sleep a night for a lot of people. I recommend trying to get at least 8 hours if at all possible, even if you need to take a nap! Your body does most of it's growing as you sleep, so get all you can!

Workout intensity is something that entire books have been written on. I recommend reading up on this topic as well. Flex and Muscle & Fitness deal with this topic in depth. Basically you need to find the right amount of intensity to trigger muscle growth. When a bodybuilder is just starting out, it does not take much to trigger new muscle growth. However, the body will quickly adapt to repeated stress and this can cause muscle growth to slow or stop all together. When this occurs, bodybuilders refer to it as a "plateau". This is when changes to workout intensity must occur. The muscle must be subjected to a new kind of stress that it is not used to in order to stimulate new growth. Fortunately, there are many methods of changing the workout intensity, but that is beyond the scope of this article.

Frequency of workouts is something that will vary from bodybuilder to bodybuilder. Some bodybuilders workout every day and some only 3 days per week. You will have to experiment with this to determine what works best for you. You must give your muscles enough of a break between workouts to repair themselves, but you don't want to wait too long between workouts or you will not get maximum results.
Getting Started

First and foremost, check with your physician to make sure you are in good physical condition to start a weight lifting or bodybuilding program! I recommend that
beginners to bodybuilding start with a simple workout plan. This plan should consist of one exercise per bodypart, working the entire body 3 times per week.

Bodyparts are divided as follows:
·         Chest (pecs) 
·         Back (lats) 
·         Shoulders (delts) 
·         Triceps (back of upper arm) 
·         Biceps (front of upper arm) 
·         Forearms Abdominals (abs) 
·         Quadriceps (front of thigh) 
·         Hamstrings (back of thigh) 
·         Calves (back of lower leg) 
Here is an example of a workout
·         Bench press 
·         Lat pulldowns 
·         Military Press 
·         Tricep pushdowns 
·         Barbell curls 
·         Crunches 
·         Leg extensions 
·         Leg curls 
·         Standing Calf raises 
You should start out each exercise with a warm up set. For this set, choose a relatively light weight that will allow you to do 25 reps without killing yourself. This will get your muscles ready for heavier weights. Then do 3 sets of each exercise of 8-10 repetitions.

For your first set, choose a weight that will allow you to 10 reps without struggling too much. Rest for 30-60 seconds, then increase the weight for your second set that makes 10 reps considerably harder. For your third set, choose a weight that is heavy enough that you cannot do any more than 8-10 reps no matter how hard you try. This is called muscular failure. You must take your muscles to the point of failure or they will not grow. It is at this point that your muscles will be triggered to grow because they are being asked to do something they never did before and their natural response is to become stronger.

Write the weights down for each exercise so you know where you are for the next workout.

It will take a bit of trial and error until you find the correct weight in each exercise. Be sure to take care when you first start out not to load the bar up with some ridiculous weight that may cause injury to your muscles, tendons, or your foot when you drop it!

As time goes on and you are diligently following your training program, you will notice that when you get to rep number 10 on your last set, you feel like you can do one or two more. This is good! Continue the set for eleven or twelve total repetitions. When you are able to do this for 2 or 3 workouts in a row, it is time to increase the weight in that particular exercise.

If you are training a relatively large muscle group, such as chest or quads, you may try increasing the weight by 10 or 15 pounds. If you are doing biceps or delts, then maybe increase only 5 pounds or even 2.5 pounds. The new weight should limit you to 7 or 8 reps on the last set. Soon you will be back up to 12 with the new weight, and then you will bump the weight up even more. These increases are what you are working so hard for. Increased weight means increased strength, which means increased muscle mass!

Make sure you take good notes as you work out. This is very important for several reasons. First, you may not remember what weight you used in a particular exercise the next time you workout, and you will waste time and effort having to figure it out again! Second, you need be able to gauge your progress as time goes on. When you see that you are using 10 or 15 more pounds than you did a month ago, you know your strength is increasing and this is great feedback! I recommend getting a good training journal, but you can use any pad of paper. Create a data :

·         Date 
·         Muscle Group worked 
·         Exercise name 
·         Number of sets 
·         Number of reps in each set 
·         Weight used each set 
·         Personal Notes 
Write things down that may have a positive or negative affect on your workout, such as energy level, whether you were tired or still sore from your last workout, or maybe your left shoulder has been bothering you, etc. If you are detailed here, you may be able to learn some important clues as to what makes you have a good workout verses an "ok" workout. Maybe you'll find that when you workout right after work you have more energy than when you wait until 8 o'clock. Or maybe certain foods you eat before a workout help you with your energy and focus. Write down if you have a cold, or if you are recovering from an injury, or if any particular exercise hurts you when you do it. These notes will come in handy sooner or later in the course of your bodybuilding program.

Use this program for 4-6 months and you should see some real progress. At that time, you may want to start to include some advanced techniques to increase your workout intensity in order to continue making good gains.


Millions of individuals all around the world suffer from some sort of back pain or anther. Like you, they all do their best to find the solution for relieving their pain. Back pain can interrupt your daily life whether you suffer from the type of back pain that may come from improper lifting and strains to your back.

These types of pain can generally find relief by taking over the counter pain medication and deep tissue massage. However, when you suffer from chronic back pain the story can be much different. It can be challenging to find the solution for relieving this type of back pain, since everyone is different and various methods of pain relief works or does not work, according the individuals condition.

In order to relief your back pain, you will need to do a bit of research on your personal condition to find out about the various choices of treatment. Get into a regular exercise routine, while protecting you body, by paying attention to its pain signals. It is in your best interest not to continually concentrate on the pain you feel, while learning to change any pain habits you may have. Since changing these habits aid in uplifting your feelings about yourself and your pain.

You should also consider seeking support, while creating your own pain management plan of tracking the progress of the methods you use, to find out which gives you the relief you seek. Most importantly, you should stay positive in your attitude, by thinking positively, keeping your sense of humor about you. You should be eating a well balanced diet and exercising daily and enjoying your daily activities when you are with others or alone.

There are natural body controls, such as intense concern for others and outside controls such as medications, physical therapy, heat and cold methods, exercise and relaxation as well as massage techniques that aid in controlling the signals of pain our body feels when dealing with back pain symptoms. When you suffer from back pain, there are several methods you can choose from to aid your relief, these include, limiting and moderating as little medication for pain as you can handle.

Increasing your social and physical activities and enjoying an active lifestyle, changing any habit of pain you have that may be interrupting your life, such as consuming alcohol or staying in bed all day for relief, as well as eagerly learning new methods of reducing your pain. Of course, you must understand that different methods work better for some individuals, than they do for others. You will be working to find and practice the right methods for reducing your own personal pain.

One solution for relieving you pain is to visit your family physician and talking with him or her concerning your condition, while being enthusiastic about working as a team to find the best pain relief for your particular condition. You can help your physician understand your pain by being able to explain the location, the frequency and severity of your symptoms as well as letting the physician know what make the pain feel worse or better. After doing so, your physician will be able to help you figure out the best solution for relieving you pain.

Some things you may be counseled to do is:

Use heat and cold treatments for relief

Heat treatments may include soaking in warm water or using a hot water bottle or heat packs, using a heating pad for a limited amount of time, as well as using an electric blanket and flannel sheets for warmth as well as warming your clothing in a dryer before putting them on. Or try dipping you hand in a paraffin bath to relieve your pain symptoms. You may also find relief by alternating heat and cold water bath treatments. Cold treatments would include using ice packs or frozen vegetables on the area of your pain. However, you should always practice safety first when working with heat and cold treatments, for the best results.

Wisely using your joints and exercising

Wisely using your joints include, being aware of your body position, avoiding activities that cause you pain, while planning ahead to simplify your daily tasks, using most often your strongest and largest muscles and joints. You should always practice proper lifting techniques, not staying in one position for extended periods of time, learning to balance your times of activity and rest as well as having a healthy respect for your pain.


Relaxation techniques may include, guided imagery to help you focus on images that bring pleasure, prayer, hypnosis, which aids by focusing attention internally, rather than persisting with concentration on your other thoughts or anxieties. You may consider using biofeedback, which involves very sensitive electrical equipment that measures the reactions of your body, as well as the use of audio tapes for relaxation guidance.

Counseling, Support and Pain Clinics

Counseling and support involve working with others, such as your physician, nurse or even a physical or occupational therapist as well as a counselor, psychologist, social worker and your pharmacist, depending upon your condition and the type of support you need. Counseling, support groups and pain clinics, involves being unafraid to seek out help when you need someone to talk with about the pain and stress you encounter with back pain. You can always ask your physician for his recommendations of these types of pain relief options to find out where to find them.

These pain management techniques for pain relief may include such things as, using splints to reduce pain and swelling, getting a good restful nights sleep, which aids by restoring your spirits and energy daily. Or you may use of topical deep heating lotions and massage techniques. You may even consider transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or TENS, which is a small electrical device that uses mild pulses of electricity to stimulate the nerves influenced in painful areas.

When you suffer from upper or lower back pain, with or without arthritis, you should know that you are not alone in your fight to be pain-free or to at least decrease the amount of pain you feel. There are others who are able to help you deal with and control your pain, as well as some really inspiring methods and techniques you can try when searching for just the right type of solution for your pain.

When it comes to 2 giants crashing then the results are not only unexpected but it’s also true that everybody is on the lookout to see who‘s going to smash whom! When it comes to 2 giants crashing then the results are not only unexpected but it’s also true that everybody is on the lookout to see who‘s going to smash whom! In the battle of BMX bikes, GT and Mongoose are certainly two of the most respected manufacturers on the field; but… who prevails? Well, although it’s almost impossible to judge, through this article you will have the chance to get information about 2 popular BMX bike models by GT and Mongoose. The models are Mach 1 Pro and Brawler by GT and Mongoose respectively. Judging by the name of the bike as well as the manufacturer brand, Mach 1 Pro should definitely have to be a great bike in order to live up to the expectations of the fans. Does the bike come any close to that? Well, the first thing you would notice about this bike is that it is very smooth and light. After riding it for some time you will also discover that it is also very resistant and it loves air stunting! A good feature is TEKTRO brakes; the frame and the tires are not bad either. The bike is pretty similar to GT interceptor but some may find it’s got some paints from GT Vertigo too. The only considerable weakness that you might find on this bike is that it doesn’t come with chain tensors. Other than that, the bike is really good and the price is very affordable. Jumping on the other side now, Mongoose would have no choice in this stiff competition but to come up with a serious weapon, the Mongoose Brawler. The first things that will catch your eye about this bike are the excellent frame and the front forks. The brakes and the crank are pretty good too. A weakness about this bike is that the other parts (such as sprocket, hub and rims) are not very satisfying. Of course, you can always replace them easily at any time and you will have a really, really good bike. Brawler is a very resistant and maneuverable bike but you might feel a little bit limited while dirt jumping because it tends to be bigger than other bikes you may have been used to. Don’t be tricked to believe that the winner of the battle is the Mach 1 Pro.
Brawler hides a really exciting riding experience and it is the type of bike that has the potential to reach the top with just a few extra replacements. Both bikes are really top of the line products and you should really have a close look and get to ride them for at least a few minutes in order to decide witch one is best for you.

 Folding bikes have been around for years but they have been a badge of very aggressive environmentalists or the English. Here in America the foldies have mainly been stowed away in campers or brought on sail boats. But their time has come. There is a range of high quality, easy-to-fold bikes with wide price points. (Everywhere from $300.00 to $1,400). Today’s high energy lifestyles have been waiting for these sweet machines.
Folding Bike
It finally happened. We had been planning for it for years and all our friends knew it would happen soon enough and recently it did. No, not the adoption of our baby boy but instead, the avalanche of stuff that came with him.
One of the best things about my job is that I can ride my bike to it. For the past few years I have saved the bus fare (and hopefully a little bit of the earth) by riding my mountain bike to work. But my mountain bike is very big. New York apartments are very small. So, now with the new little guy and all his gear: the strollers, the cribs, the toys, something had to go. I took my big mountain bike to work and gave it to one of my students (It was old and not very expensive, the bike, not the student!) and got myself a folding bike.
My life has been changed. Yes, yes, the new father thing has changed me, but this new bike. Wow. I feel so cool whipping it out and dashing across the city every morning. I feel like a superhero. And does it whip and dash!
Last year there was a perfect storm moment here in New York for bikes. Gas prices shot up to crazy levels, the buzz about global warming started to really get some traction, and we had a subway and bus strike. All of a sudden there were bikes everywhere. And as I said above, our apartments are small, tiny little things, it would only be a second before bikes followed suit. They were everywhere, these cute, slightly clownish gizmos careening around taxis and down the paths along the Hudson.
Folding bikes have been around for years but they have been a badge of very aggressive environmentalists or the English. Here in America the foldies have mainly been stowed away in campers or brought on sail boats. But their time has come. There is a range of high quality, easy-to-fold bikes with wide price points. (Everywhere from $300.00 to $1,400). Today’s high energy lifestyles have been waiting for these sweet machines.

A folding bike would allow folks who commute by train to save that bothersome next leg of their journey and get in a little exercise too. You bike to the train station, fold the thing up and get on the train. Unfold it and bike it from the station. No need to lock it up outside your office, just take it in.
The business traveler could explore his or her new city, get some exercise and not have to lug a big bulky bike around. A folding bike can easily be checked as regular piece of luggage.
Campers and boaters have long known the delight of a foldy. Any place where space and size is a concern is the place for a folding bike.
A folding bike may not ride exactly like a full size bike. The wheels are smaller so going up hills means you push a little harder. The balance takes some getting used to as well. But after a little practice you feel quite comfortable, even nimble and light. Some very tall people may have to have one custom made ($$$) though. The higher end models come very close to replicating the ride and performance of a full-sized bike. Some fold smaller and more quickly than others. Some have only three gears, some come fully equipped with bells, lights and racks. The world of folding bikes is broad enough that bike novices or hard core riders both will find what they need.