Secrets of Training

Personal Training Success: A majority of people who attempt to start an exercise plan fail to get started because they lack the motivation to start a fitness plan.
Many people feel that they are stuck in the body that they have and they believe that there is no way that they can get into shape and improve their physical look. This is certainly not true.

Personal Training Secret #1: Gaining That Motivation

Firstly, it is important to look at yourself in the mirror to gain that motivation required for personal training.

While you are looking in the mirror, think of the following:
  • I can get into shape
  • I can drop those pounds.
  • I can become a happier person by getting into shape.
  • I can motivate myself to start a fitness plan.
  • I can improve my health.
  • Finding the motivation to start personal training is important.
Personal Training Secret #2: I Can Get Into Shape

You will never gain the motivation to start a fitness plan if you believe that you will not be able to get into shape. Since the idea of working out is based on the fact that you are trying to get into shape, you will be less likely to start a fitness plan if you believe that you can't get into shape, which is why Personal Training is so important.

By believing that you can get into shape, you will have an easier time gaining the motivation necessary to complete your fitness goals.

Personal Training Secret #3: I Can Drop Those Pounds

If you believe that you will exercise and not lose the weight, then you are making a big mistake. You will not be motivated to start exercising if you believe that it is impossible to lose the weight.

It is important to remember that if you start exercising, you will automatically start to lose weight.

Personal Training Secret #4: I Can Become A Happier Personal By Getting Into Shape

Yes, many people believe that exercising will cause them to become sad. This is not true. You can remain happy while exercising if you find the exercise regiment that is right for you. Additionally, you can improve your level of happiness by using a combination of mental and physical health techniques which you can learn through Personal Training.

Personal Training Secret #5: I Can Motivate Myself To Start A Fitness Plan

If you don't have faith that you can motivate yourself to start a fitness plan, then you will never start a fitness plan. Simply, you must believe in yourself that you can be successful at improving your level of fitness.

When you can reach your fitness goals, you will feel better about the rest of your life.

Personal Training Secret #6: I Can Improve My Health

Finally, it is important that you believe that you can improve your health. By starting a fitness plan, you will really be adding years to your life and start getting healthy. Starting a Personal Training plan is something that you need to do and knowing that participating in a fitness plan will add years to your life, you will be even more motivated to complete your goals.

Use That Motivation For Personal Training Today Well, now since you have the motivation to start and finish your fitness goals, it is time for you to put your wishes into action.

Get started today by visiting your nearest personal training coach and put that motivation to use.

Making Strength Training Accessible

Fitness professionals know the benefits of strength training and want the best for their clients.
Making Strength Training Accessible

Fitness professionals know the benefits of strength training and want the best for their clients. The advent of strength training and “fusion” in aerobics classes has lent itself to better accessibility to these benefits. Still, many of the best “bodybuilding” exercises that I had used for years with excellent results were just not being used in group exercise classes.

One of the major hurdles was to modify these exercises to suit different participant’s needs and fitness levels and the equipment itself, which needed to be simple and portable. As a Personal Trainer and group exercise instructor, I saw the usual equipment like bands and dumbbells was just that, usual, I wanted to design an exercise tool that was new, effective (the bands and dumbbells were just not cutting it for working the back, chest and abs) and of course, fun.

All of these challenges have been met with the Equalizer which makes traditional strength training in a group setting easy and accessible. Club Business International Magazine says, “The heart of this exercise tool is two, eight pound steel bars but its simplicity belies its sophistication”.

The following email is from a class participant;
Subject: The Equalizer - hope to see more of it in the classes and on the schedule!
Dear Lori,
Thanks for organizing an "Equalizer" session a few weeks ago. I can always count on you to breath life into our workout routines and to be on the cutting edge!!! I have also appreciated using it in your Core Resistance Class on Mondays to target different areas (I don't think my triceps have ever worked that hard, nor do I think I have ever done a chin up before!!).

I hope that we will have more classes that either primarily use the Equalizer or incorporate the equipment into the class, as you have been doing.
Thanks again,

The trend towards fusing various activities into one class continues and makes the Equalizer fit any programming. It is being used in all sorts of cardio pump classes, boot camp, boxing, even pilates. A not so obvious benefits of strength training where you use your bodyweight as resistance is that it engages the CORE, unlike most selectorized machines on the weight room floor where you are sitting and/or the body is stationary.
Getting participants to not only enjoy the benefits of strength training but the workout itself is the key. Tools that helps instructors and trainers do this ultimately improves the health of their clients.
We know from feedback and people we have reached with the Equalizer that we have assisted in that.  We wanted to make strength training different and fun and I sure think that’s what we have done!

Pilates Exercise

Pilates exercise is an art, an art to teach, to learn and to perform with the right amount of patience. It's a blend of fitness, yoga and physical therapy. Pilates exercise teachers don't improvise, they have attended training courses that have lasted years. They are the ones who personally prepare their body and mind in order to fully enter the mentality of Pilates exercise. A good Pilates teacher is a personal trainer of Pilates exercise and follows you in every Pilates exercise and the movement it creates.
This article is all about pilates exercise and how to make you more and more aware about this topic. I could also have taken the easy way to writing this article but I desisted from it because the primary objective of writing this article about pilates exercise was your satisfation. And after reading this article, you can yourself feel it.
Pilates exercise has become very popular in the last decades and its workouts have benefitted all kinds of people in the past and continues to do so today. You don't need much to improve your quality of life with Pilates exercise just three times a week for about half an hour and the first evident results can be seen starting within just four weeks. Pilates exercise defines and tones muscles and works on your body alignment, through the abdomen, pelvis and regulates your breathing too.
Just a few words now on who invented the Pilates exercise program.

Joseph Pilates invented Pilates exercise during the 1900's. The intent of Pilates exercise was to aid those who were sick and forced to stay in bed for a certain amount of time, not being able to move body parts and use their muscles. Pilates exercise was designed in such a way that it would provide maximum output from a sleeping position from minimum input.

Following in his footsteps, many therapists thereafter used the technique of Pilates exercise to patients alleviating the pains and the suffering of those who have certain problems in moving their body parts giving them temporary and in some cases permanent relief.
One of the most common accessories to help perform Pilates exercise is the Pilates ring created to help those who cannot perform Pilates standing or are bed ridden. The Pilates ring works on desired body areas from a sitting, sleeping position. It can be used on the arms, legs, buttocks and back with ease. The Pilates ring is a power tool, which is used even by those that are able to perform standing exercises. The results will not take long to appear when exercises done three times a week for 30 minutes.
Here are a few tips to help you handle Pilates exercise in the best of ways.
1.  Don't practice Pilates exercise without consulting a physician first.
2.  Pilates exercise is easy to learn you can and stay in shape in the comfort of your home with a number of choices such as, online specialized sites, professional DVDs featuring lessons for beginners as well as advanced users and books.
3. Use Pilates exercise at least three times a week, trying to follow the exercise pattern, that is best for your needs.
4. Pilates exercise is useful especially when practiced early in the morning, providing you with energy and the right mood for the rest of the day.
Last but not least, eating right and exercising with Pilates exercise regularly will help you to keep you in shape, live a longer life and give you the right balance needed to face everyday. So try Pilates exercise as your daily routine and you will see how your body and mind will benefit from it.

In-Home Personal Training NYC programs to keep you fit

In-house personal training NYC can give complete training program to remain fit. These programs are very beneficial for leading a healthy life. All you need to do is to hire an efficient trainer who can make training programs for you and your healthy life.
For living a healthy life, doing yoga, exercises and joining fitness training programs is very essential. A healthy life is desired by everyone and so many people look for in-home personal training NYC that can help them in remaining fit for their entire life. The basic concept of in-home fitness training is that the trainer will personally deal with you regarding the exercises. This concept became more demanding due to the hectic work schedules of working professionals. Due to this many people do not have sufficient time to visit a gym. But the zeal to remain fit compels them to hire a personal trainer. One has to undergo various training sessions during the fitness training.
The trainer will visit you according to your defined time which you feel you will be available at your home. Fitness training is necessary for everyone to lead a healthy sound life. After all, it’s the matter of your health which is a high priority  and no compromises can be made at any cost. You can opt for in-home personal training NYC by calling the fitness trainer or can even visit dance classes to stay in a good shape and size. The purpose of getting that perfect shape and figure is not at all the only thing, the vital thing is to get the desired results that you want. The training will shed up your extra weight that you have gained and will also tone up your body. After all, nobody wants to be fatty and face embarrassments in a social life.
In New York City, you can find various expert trainers who are available at your request to your desired location. You can take reference of a good trainer from someone who has taken the service of a trainer and has got good results from his training programs. You can also browse on the internet to get a highly skilled trainer for your training fitness program. An experienced and good trainer will make a diet plan for you. If you want a healthy life and so to remain fit, you need to take some measures for this. You will have to keep a control over junk foods and will have to strictly follow the diet suggested by your fitness trainer. If you do not follow it seriously, then things can wrong and you will to achieve your goal to get a healthy life. Infact, a slim and trim lifestyle is always appreciated by everyone.
An in-home personal training process will take care of back injury prevention, body toning and sculpting, traditional strength training, pilates and else other fitness programs. It is the fitness program that helps to turn away all sorts of ailments. In-home personal training also enables you to save some money that you pay to a gym instructor.Today, living healthy has become the need of everyone and so this form of training process has a high demand. There is no age bar to go for a fitness training program. You can hire an efficient trainer at any point of time and follow training programs advised by him. In this way, any individual can remain fit and fine and you can stay in good shape without dedicating much time.